New Year’s Traditions in Argentina
From painting your entrance red to smashing plates on your neighbor's doorstep, kissing beneath the mistletoe or eating grapes as the clock strikes 12, every country has their own traditions. Here are some of Argentina’s most interesting ways to ring in the New Year.

When it comes to celebrating New Year, it seems that everyone has their own peculiar way of doing things.
Traditionally, New Year in Argentina involves a (late) dinner with close friends and family either at home or at one of the many restaurants offering a holidays special menu. Yes, you are correct if you start to detect a pattern in all our celebrations and that pattern is food.
It is thought that wearing brand new pink underwear will attract love in the New Year.
While eating beans will ensure safety to the present job or will bring new and better professional opportunities.
On the more unusual side of traditions we find that of running around the house with a suitcase in hand, to ensure more travelling in the coming year. Interestingly enough, if you run around the block your chances are supposed to increase.
At midnight, step forward with your right foot to start the year off with… you guessed it, your right foot!
Close to the heart of Porteños, Pan Dulce has to be at the table. And the eating will only be momentarily stopped at 12 for a toast and bursting some firecrackers as well!
So there you go, a few of Argentina’s New Year’s traditions you might come across. What traditions do you follow in your country?